Real Investment Calculator
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RICalc not just a financial calculator. Also a DCF
Investment calculator, a real Inflation calculator, an advanced Graphing calculator, and
a Scientific calculator with Statistics plus many other essential tools.
We strive to give you the best software in the market, be it for advanced
financial analysis or numeric calculus in mathematics. We try to ease complex
matters with a friendly clear and intuitive layout.
We believe you will save time with RICalc.
Why wouldn't you when you have all the essential tools around you:
You can open and work with several calculators at the same time.
You can use the Expression Evaluator (EE) with RICalc or with external applications.
You can use EE to calculate and paste the results to your word processor or accounting system.
You can even compute most maths functions and constants to a high precision of millions of digits.
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