Investment calculator - software technical features
Investment calculator
Rate of Return
Modified ROR |
Internal rate of return of regular or irregular cash flows, IRR
ROR after reinvestment rate, MIRR, XMIRR.
Cash flows |
By periods |
Week, fortnight, month/2, 4weeks, month, month*2, quarter,
month*4, half year and year.
By date |
Calendar date.
By days |
360, 364, 365 or 366 days in a year.
At begin Range |
First cash flow occurs at begin or end of the period.
Lock to evaluate part of the range.
Rate |
Investment |
Input or calculated based on Capital Asset Price Model (CAPM).
Reinvestment |
Inflation |
Input. Qualify or convert investment rate and cash flows to
Nominal or to Real.
Net present value |
Based on investment and reinvestment rates.
FV |
Future value |
Based on investment and reinvestment rates.
PR |
Present revenue |
Revenue after discount.
PC |
Present cost |
Expenses after discount.
Equivalent annual cost | Equivalent annual worth.
Profitability |
Ratio |
PR to PC. ROI the Return On Investment
Net Profit |
Payback |
Break even |
Number of periods to pay back or break even.
Discounted |
After discount.
Account |
Details |
Account general info and notes.
Graph |
Plot data |
Step trace, zoom and custom options.
Reports / Export |
Options & graph |
Summary report with cash flows.
Options |
Custom options |
Your preferred defaults and settings.
Backup |
Database |
Backup, restore and database management.
Help Tutorials Glossary |
Context Examples
PDF manual |
Sensitive help.
Glossary of terms.
More than 100 tutorials, from financial to inflation and investment.
Topic revisions with case examples, introduction to terminology and how
to apply to RICalc.
Investment calculator