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RICalc software for true finance RICalc software for Discounted Cash Flow RICalc software for Graphing and Maths
Powerful Financial calculator Financial
Advanced Discount Cash Flow calculator Investment
Real and Forecast Inflation calculator Inflation
Unique Maths Graphic Solver calculator Graphing
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RICalc software saves you money and time

Investment calculator

Investment calculator for ROR and Discount Cash Flow analysis.

Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) software for investment viability analysis.

Know the investment Rate of Return, Net Present value, Break even point,
ROI and other important indicators from your investment cash flows.

Investment calculator

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, Financial, Inflation, Statistics, Graphing, Scientific


How can you use the Discounted Cash Flow calculator?

Find out how worth is an investment, a new acquisition, project..

You invest wiser when you know.. Investment calculator tour

With Discounted Cash Flow, DCF indicators, you can analyse an investment from different view points:

From a Borrower perspective:
Is the investment worthwhile considering the amount of funds you need to borrow?
From an Investor perspective:
Is the investment worthwhile considering the amount of funds you are investing or lending?

To evaluate an investment, input a series of cash flows and an optional investment or capital rate.
The calculator computes the rates of return before and after re-investment, the net present worth and future values, the annual equivalent cost or worth, the pay back and profitability ratios and a summary analysis with an approve or reject recommendation.

Discounted Cash Flow Analysis indicators

ROR Rate of return (IRR , XIRR)
MROR Modified rate of return (MIRR , XMIRR)
NPV Net present value (2 perspectives)
FV Future value (2 perspectives)
PR and PC Present Revenue and Present Cost
EAC | EAW Equivalent annual cost or worth
ratio & margin Profitability ratio (ROI) and Net profit margin
PB Payback and break even

Qualify cash flows as Nominal or Real, or converted to and from given the inflation rate.

Chart, print, export or e-mail report.

Get a grip on your Investment's.

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