Who is RICalc for?
Standard edition is for you as a professional, if you:
Lend money or advise your clients on financial matters. |
Need professional software with flexible lending features, loan comparison rates and investment yields. |
Prefer to estimate realistic investment funds and retirement income. |
Perform discounted cash flows analysis, DCF. |
Require amortisation schedules with debit and credit statements itemized costs, ongoing fees, taxes and inflation. |
Are a commercial Lender, Financial Planner, Broker, Accountant, Real Estate or Insurance agent ...
Perhaps you would like to show your clients a concise
summary report
with costs break up, chart comparing scenarios and true interest rate charges.
Find it difficult to compare the multitude of mortgage loan products, you could use RICalc
True Rate to reduce it to a comparable interest rate.
In today's world, most financial transactions have extra costs, government charges and ongoing fees.
It's hard enough to estimate fund values, let alone ignore fees, taxes and
inflation from retirement income projections on superannuation and 401k plans.
RICalc takes all this into account, it is simple to use, friendly and powerful. |
RICalc Standard edition includes high-precision calculation in multi-precision, plus all the features of RICalc Home edition, as below. |
RICalc Home edition is for you as an individual, if you:
Have a Mortgage, a personal loan, a lease or borrow money and would like to reduce debt. |
Have an interest in savings and retirement income. |
Deal with algebra, trigonometry, general calculus and mathematics. |
Need to graph and plot equations, calculate derivatives, integrals and compute general maths calculus. |
Try RICalc Expression Evaluator. You will use it daily. |
How can RICalc help you?
You save time by using a single easy to use all-in-one calculator.
RICalc helps you to perform calculations quicker, analysis and comparisons are easier, faster and comprehensive.
You save money on your mortgage, loans, leases and hire-purchases
with the financial calculator.
Reduce the term of your loan, check bi-weekly payments, compare mortgage re-finance,
consolidate debt, checkout the effect of extra payments or withdraws when you need spare
cash for renovations.
Check your bank statement accuracy. Reconcile bank statement interest
calculations and check for errors, mistakes and bank overcharges and save.
Analyze your investment viability with discount cash flow analysis.
Invest wiser in interest bearing deposits, annuities and retirement funds.
Quantify how much taxes and inflation reduce your future investment. Estimate your
retirement lump sum, and how long the income will last in today's equivalent money.
Compare funds with different returns and costs, and
get a grip on what's going on.
Product Comparison